Ask and It Is Given - An Introduction to Abraham-Hicks (DVD)
Made from intimate interview footage of us—and Abraham—originally shot for the now out-of-print Secret Behind The Secret video, this DVD has been completely re-edited and re-structured to include a lot of material that never made it into the original program. It also includes a sequence from one of our cruises in which Abraham tells the story of our involvement in The Secret movie, plus another whole disc of material from a workshop held earlier this year that is one of the most dynamic and leading-edge explanations of the Vortex that Abraham has ever given.
It’s a 4-Disc program (4 hours) and is available in both the video DVD and audio CD format, and we feel is the definitive summary of who we were before we "met" Abraham; how we came to take up this exciting work; what the essence of the Teachings of Abraham is, and how an understanding of Abraham's Vortex of Attraction can help anyone live a joy-filled life. It answers almost every question that anyone new to the Teachings of Abraham may have, while also providing additional insight and perspective to those of you who have already been studying the material.
This is the original source material for the current Law of Attraction wave that is sweeping the world, and it is the 21st century inspiration for thousands of books, films, essays and lectures that are responsible for the current paradigm shift in consciousness.
Here you will find accurate clarification of the basics of the Law of Attraction and practical applications as well as up-to-the-moment leading-edge expanding information regarding the Law of Attraction. (Also known as "The Teachings of Abraham")
This is the fountainhead of the information upon which the hit movie, "The Secret" was based.